Friday, April 9, 2010

New York

a week from today i will be in new york. stevie and i are going for six days! we have so many fun things planned to do, like get soup at the soup nazi restaurant and seeing the Tim Burton Art Exhibit at MoMA. we are also going to see the band The Specials. stevie and i used to listen to them in high school all the time. i am really looking forward to a long break from everything here.

i am kind of annoyed with my friends right now.

one group always plans weird things to do and i always go. but no one will ever do anything i want to do. we don't like the same bars and the same music, but why is it that i'm the one compromising every time?
it's really starting to bother me. tonight i am refusing to see Repo with them just because. i'm really showing them... sitting at home on a friday night.

additionally im pretty sure i lost my best guy friend. at this point i dont even care. at first i was getting this weird vibe from him. i dont know if its because he is moving in my with my ex and now he feels like he has to pick a side? i dont really feel like i can trust him as a friend anymore. plus i am tired of making the effort to hang out. either you are my friend or you arent. im not going to beg you to hang out. if youre too lazy to make time for me then fuck it.

i wish it wasn't so hard to make friends. it would be awesome to have a group of friends that had the same interests as me. then i could finally stop compromising and start having fun doing things i like to do with others who enjoy it as well.

anyone out there who likes going to concerts and bars that don't have tanned bros?