Thursday, May 27, 2010


over the past two weeks i have gained about four pounds. i dont know what is going on with my body. i am eating the same amount i normally do and i am working out about the same. my jeans are feeling tighter around my waist and i do not like it one bit. this week i decided to eat super healthy and work out more, but it is not going too well so far.

On Monday i woke up and ate a bowl of granola cereal and had a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. Then had a salad from Whole Foods for lunch. it was really expensive and i regret paying $11 dollars for it, but at least it was healthy. then ran 3.5 miles and ate a boca cheese burger, with chips (ugh!). & a vegan cookie. ok not so healthy.

Tuesday my back was really sore. im not sure if it was from running or pms or both, but it hurt when i stood up. i ate the nasty granola cereal again with 2% milk to drown out the flavor (ok bad move) and had coffee with cream and sugar. i went out for lunch with people from work and got a veggie panini with no fries. the cheese on it was kinda gross, it was some type of goat cheese maybe. i kept squeezing it out, so i hope that made it a little healthier. i decided to go tanning after work instead of working out because of my back. i had a salad for dinner but a cookie for dessert. ugh i need to stop with the cookies.

Wednesday i ate more granola with skim and had coffee with cream and sugar. i got subway for lunch, no chips! just a 6 inch veggie with no mayo, but i did use oil and vinegar and cheese. it was good and only $3.50, but i was setarving after i ate it. i hate the granola cereal at home so i ran to jewel and got kashi heart to heart cereal. i ate some dry ceral as i was driving back to the office and it helped. but after work is where the problem started. i couldn't work out because i had a survey to go to. the survey didn't end until 8pm and i was starving. i went home and made the first thing i saw, pasta with alfredo sauce. ughhhhhhh. then it got even worse. i went out for drinks with jackie and alyssa before the sex and the city premier. we got giant $3.50 individual pitchers of raspberry long island ice teas and then a large order of stuffed mushrooms. i had two fried, greasy, delicious mushrooms. i hate myself for it today.

Thursday i ate kashi cereal with skim milk. i made my coffee with skim milk, no sugar. for lunch i had some of the leftover pasta, dry kashi cereal and grapes. so far not bad. even though i only got 4 hours of sleep because of the movie (with was awful by the way) i am still going to go to the gym after work. then i am going to sleep and sleep and sleep. my work gave us friday off so i am really looking forward to a four day weekend!

Monday, May 17, 2010


i had a really fun weekend. i went out friday with a bunch of friends and had a really crazy night. luckily for me we didnt stay out too late because jacq and john were leaving for florida in the morning. i still woke up on saturday with a killer hangover. i got breakfast at a diner with my sis and i almost puked. i napped the rest of the afternoon which was exactly what i needed. it was so nice to just relax and lay around.
at night i went to kumas corner for dinner. of course it was amazing. i split my burger with matt because there was no way i could finish it. we went out to a few bars after we ate.
yesterday and today were much needed rest days. i went to the mall with my sister during the day today and we got sushi station for lunch.
this weekend was better than i could have hoped. i already had high expectations for it because it was my first weekend in 19 days.
i am always paranoid that people don't like me. i think i just need to take a minute and realize that people have other things going on. if they are acting weird it might be because they are dealing with something. i hope i can remember this the next time i jump to conclusions and think i should write off my friends.

i just finished working out. it felt so good. i ran for about 20 minutes with my sister and then i did a workout video. my legs are shaking, and im sure they will be really sore tomorrow. which is a good thing.
i need to start paying more attention to what i eat. i am starting to gain some weight. while i was on vacation i was eating anything i wanted and when i got home i didnt change my eating habits back. it's been fun, but it's time to start being healthy again. plus im leaving for boston wednesday and i don't think there is going to be time for running.
i am going to watch the gossip girl season finale in about 40 minutes. i can't wait~ that show is such a guilty pleasure.

Friday, May 7, 2010



after i left work tonight i went to walmart and jewel. i bought a yoga mat, self tanner, a bike pump, and tons of candy and junk food for my sister's bf. he got into a motorcycle accident last night so we are going to make him a get well basket.
i got home around 9 and cracked open a bottle of wine. i made morningstar fake italian sausage with onions and green peppers for dinner. yum.
i also sold my toms shoes on ebay tonight. im happy that someone else will be able to get more use out of them than i did. they are super cute, just a size too big.
i didn't have time to do too much else. i did some sit ups, walked charlee, applied my self tanner, and now i should definitely go to bed. it's going to be another long day at work. weekends are the worst because you keep thinking 'ok can i leave now? now? now???'. wish me luck that i get out before 2pm~

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

ice cream tuesday

yesterday at work they brought in oberweis ice cream for our afternoon snack. i think they feel a little guilty for keeping us there for 12 hours a day and two weekends a row. today around three pm my friends at work and i started craving icecream again. and sun. we are friends with the administrative assistant who ordered all the ice cream yesterday and she slyly told us there was some left. we all snuck out to top of the parking garage with our icecream and hung out for 20 minutes. it was such a nice break and put me in an amazing mood.

Monday, May 3, 2010

i've decided that i am done wasting my time caring about people who don't value me. life is short and i want to spend it being happy. i think this is will change things for the better.

i have being working so much lately because of mother's day. i am exhausted and i still have about two solid weeks to go. today i accidentally brought my laptop bag into the gym with me instead of my gym bag.

i just took charlee on a quick run around the block. it is so nice outside. perfect weather. night night.