Wednesday, November 10, 2010


via mariel clayton

i've been so lazy about blogging lately. so here's a story. i was just walking down the stairs carrying a bowl of tomato soup i didnt finish when charlee comes barreling down the stairs after me. she loses control of her legs and tumbles down the stairs into my legs knocking me down and throwing tomato soup everywhere. picture unrelated.

Monday, November 1, 2010

deer and undead

i finally got my computer set up at our new apartment! i have kind of a headache but i wanted to give a quick update since i haven't posted in so long.
here's my deer tattoo all colored in and healed. i love it so much. i wish it was summer so i could wear shorts more often.

i was a zombie for halloween this year. the bars were so lame, dressing up was the funnest part. we didnt want to go downtown bc i knew that finding parking would be so frusterating, so instead we went to suburb bars on friday and edison park bars on saturday. i took this picture somewhere near chicago heights.