Thursday, May 27, 2010


over the past two weeks i have gained about four pounds. i dont know what is going on with my body. i am eating the same amount i normally do and i am working out about the same. my jeans are feeling tighter around my waist and i do not like it one bit. this week i decided to eat super healthy and work out more, but it is not going too well so far.

On Monday i woke up and ate a bowl of granola cereal and had a cup of coffee with cream and sugar. Then had a salad from Whole Foods for lunch. it was really expensive and i regret paying $11 dollars for it, but at least it was healthy. then ran 3.5 miles and ate a boca cheese burger, with chips (ugh!). & a vegan cookie. ok not so healthy.

Tuesday my back was really sore. im not sure if it was from running or pms or both, but it hurt when i stood up. i ate the nasty granola cereal again with 2% milk to drown out the flavor (ok bad move) and had coffee with cream and sugar. i went out for lunch with people from work and got a veggie panini with no fries. the cheese on it was kinda gross, it was some type of goat cheese maybe. i kept squeezing it out, so i hope that made it a little healthier. i decided to go tanning after work instead of working out because of my back. i had a salad for dinner but a cookie for dessert. ugh i need to stop with the cookies.

Wednesday i ate more granola with skim and had coffee with cream and sugar. i got subway for lunch, no chips! just a 6 inch veggie with no mayo, but i did use oil and vinegar and cheese. it was good and only $3.50, but i was setarving after i ate it. i hate the granola cereal at home so i ran to jewel and got kashi heart to heart cereal. i ate some dry ceral as i was driving back to the office and it helped. but after work is where the problem started. i couldn't work out because i had a survey to go to. the survey didn't end until 8pm and i was starving. i went home and made the first thing i saw, pasta with alfredo sauce. ughhhhhhh. then it got even worse. i went out for drinks with jackie and alyssa before the sex and the city premier. we got giant $3.50 individual pitchers of raspberry long island ice teas and then a large order of stuffed mushrooms. i had two fried, greasy, delicious mushrooms. i hate myself for it today.

Thursday i ate kashi cereal with skim milk. i made my coffee with skim milk, no sugar. for lunch i had some of the leftover pasta, dry kashi cereal and grapes. so far not bad. even though i only got 4 hours of sleep because of the movie (with was awful by the way) i am still going to go to the gym after work. then i am going to sleep and sleep and sleep. my work gave us friday off so i am really looking forward to a four day weekend!

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