Thursday, April 7, 2011


charlee is the first dog i've ever had that is "mine". i never before realized how much work it is to have a dog. that's probably because she's not just a dog, she's a super high maintenance, neurotic, asshole dog. my sister and i used to joke that she has no soul.

when she chews on the walls and barks at the tv so much we cant watch it, i sometimes hate myself for getting her. she has a lot of energy, and i do as much with her as i can. i have a neighbor walk her while i'm at work three days a week. everyday when i get home from work i take her on a half hour walk around the block. on weekends when the weather's nice we sometimes go around twice.
the walks are not usually very enjoyable for me since i'm trying to hold her poo bag and keep her from barking, spinning and darting at passing cars. she's tripped me with her leash more times than i can count by being a crazy spaz.

but the mornings remind me why i like her. Actually let me specify, weekday mornings, are when like her. i always wake up with her next to me in bed. when i get up to start getting ready for work she waits in my bed and i come out every 15 min or so to lay with her or pet her. she's just so calm and cute and tired. these are the best moments.
weekend mornings are a whole other story. crying in my face, standing on me, barking at the door at 730 am. she does not tolerate hangovers.

but i wanted this to end on a happy note. awww cute charlee sleepyface mornings.

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